As we move into our last week of SAM, we thought we would update on some of the ways our bursary has been put to good use! 

shiatsu bursary

Upgrading Kit

I have bought some trousers that are suitable to wear for Shiatsu

I bought a Square Reader in preparation for an outdoor Shiatsu Self-Care event I did, to accept payments for anyone who turned up without a ticket

I bought a tunic and some essential oils

I spent the SAM bursary on 2 Shiatsu Society T shirts and 2 mugs. I use both around clients and prospective clients. The T-Shirts give a professional look and the matching mugs are great for refreshment at the end of a treatment. I wouldn't have been able to invest in them myself, so thank you very much for this opportunity and spread the word of Shiatsu

I spent the bursary on 3 T-shirts with the Shiatsu Society logo, for my own practice. It's been great as I feel I am championing the Society whilst giving Shiatsu, which adds to the vibe of professionalism and pride.  This has been a generous and practice enhancing act.  Thank you.

Advertising my Practice 

I used it towards my advertising costs(business cards and leaflets about Shiatsu) And a few posters to advertise that I'm offering 20% discount off Shiatsu during Shiatsu Awareness Month.

Business promotion and discounted treatments

I bought a 'Discover Shiatsu' banner for a discover Shiatsu morning - students and graduates from Shiatsu College Hastings giving tasters for £10. We got a radio interview on the back of it!

I created a massive social media campaign - 1 thing I love about shiatsu - primarily on Facebook and then will be collating onto my website. It took  more time than I expected but I think it was successful in creating a patchwork of voices describing their experiences of shiatsu, that may be useful in the future as well as this month.

Advertising in local magazines for what Shiatsu is and the health benefits

Producing fliers, circulating info on my 5 element workshop to existing yoga & shiatsu clients, researching images and compiling info on Eastern energetics & wider benefits of 5 element theory to develop ad campaign to both inform & create curiosity into this fascinating alternate approach to health & life balance. Designing new interactive ways to generate insight using activity based learning solutions.

Venue Hire

I've used the money to pay for 5 weekly market stalls at a nearby farmer's market throughout June. Each week I've put an information board, books and leaflets on shiatsu on the stall and am also offering free 15 minute seated shiatsu taster sessions. The stalls have been very popular and people have been coming and asking about Shiatsu and watching me work with others. So far I've done over 20 demonstrations and had lots of people take leaflets. During June I've done 6 full shiatsu's and got another 4 bookings as a direct result of these SAM June stalls, paid for by this bursary. Thank you.

I have put some of the money towards renting a space to teach a class in November supporting Shiatsu in north London. I also while teaching in Slovenia at the end of their third year used £5 towards a bottle of Sake to toast to Shiatsu and the students careers in Shiatsu and develop links with other countries.

Seated shiatsu demonstrations at a wellbeing events in our area. The bursary helped with my fees at these events. Thank you

The SAM bursary was spent on teacher's travel and towards room rent for workshops introducing Shiatsu to the public in Norwich

I used the bursary to hire a room to hold a drop in event for people interested in Shiatsu to come & have a chat, or participate in the group Do-In, or watch a Shiatsu demonstration.

One participant was very interested in training in Shiatu & we spent some time discussing the various options.  Other comments were along the lines of - wow I didn't have to do much to feel so much better, and - I feel so much more relaxed and calm.

Subsiding Treatments 

Subsidising low cost treatments

I put on a treatment day with nurses for a palliative care charity. They provided very positive feedback and could see a place for Shiatsu in complementing their work. I am going to continue to work with this charity going forward, initially on a voluntary basis, and have been invited to give follow on talks to carers and bereaved about the benefits of Shiatsu.

Some went toward new flyers for my practice and travel expenses for the event of small closed group of women who went through abuse and are on the journey of finding themself again. We did some breathing and other embodiment to calm the nervous system as well as I had introduced them to useful tsubos and some women also felt comfortable to receive shiatsu   / feedback-feeling safe, in control of their own body/emotion, very relaxing, calming ,empowering, coming back home to the body

I used the bursary to offer some lower cost treatments to people in my community who would not ordinarily be able to attend for treatments. The session were hugely appreciated, especially at a time when many people are experiencing the stresses of raised cost of living. Thanks you so much for this, I also have made contact with new clients who hopefully will be able to return as and when they can afford, or I can again offer lower cost treatments.

I paid for a room for a full day, and that same day I offered Shiatsu taster sessions of 35 minutes for £20 instead of £30. The session included the initial consultation and a shorter treatment. People that wanted to try Shiatsu found encouraging the small price and came. Some of them booked for a second full session.

We hope you've found this initiative beneficial. Let us know if you've run an event that's gone particularly well, to help others with planning their events and sharing ideas and learnings for future campaigns. 

Enjoy the last week of Shiatsu Awareness Month!