Who we are

Established in 1981, the Shiatsu Society is the UK's leading professional association for Shiatsu practitioners. We also act as an information hub for the public; providing information on the benefits of Shiatsu, how to contact a Registered Practitioner and where to train in Shiatsu.

Our Purpose is to serve Shiatsu, and our members.

Professional Members (MrSS, SrSS, FwSS) on our Register of Practitioners have completed an approved level of Training, follow our Code of Conduct and Ethics and are fully insured. In choosing a Shiatsu Society registered practitioner you can be assured of their high standards of professional practice.

We aim to link everyone with an interest in Shiatsu, regardless of level of knowledge, philosophy, approach or style of practice.


What we do

Our mission is to establish Shiatsu as an officially recognised therapy and to have our members acknowledged as essential healthcare workers in the promotion of positive health and well-being.

To fulfil our purpose and mission we have five interlinked areas of activity:

Public information

We maintain a Register of Practitioners, we promote Shiatsu through Touch for Life resources, social media posts, online self-care resources & classes information, public awareness campaigns.

Member support

We administer and promote the Register of Practitioners.

We provide:
professional insurance, dedicated support groups & materials, a quarterly Journal, regular e-newsletter, a digital platform to enhance individuals’ practices, updates on relevant Government regulations, discounts on materials & courses, social media posts and other resources, advice on Shiatsu practice related issues, membership of a supportive community.

Education and Standards

We administer a Level 4 Diploma in Shiatsu (RQF – accredited by Laser Learning).

We ratify Shiatsu Schools to ensure high and consistent standards in training.

We maintain Registers of Practitioners, Teachers and Ratified Schools.

We adhere to a Code of Ethics & Practice and oversee Complaints procedures.

We ensure that Professional Members undertake Continuous Professional Development

Networking and political liaison

We represent Shiatsu and promote the interests of our members nationally and internationally.

We are core members of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative and we work with Government recognised Regulators in voluntary regulation of Shiatsu in the UK (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).

We are a member of the European Shiatsu Federation and have informal links with Shiatsu organisations worldwide.


We promote evidence-based clinical research into Shiatsu.

We encourage research awareness amongst Practitioners and students liaising with partners like the Research Council for Complementary Medicine to create research into Shiatsu and other Complementary therapies.


Our Vision


Vision = Core Beliefs & Values + Purpose + Mission.

This statement of our Core Beliefs & Values and our Purpose is to make the Shiatsu Society’s ethos and mission clear to both members and the public. Having such a statement is essential for success in running the Society effectively.

To make an analogy, the Core Beliefs and Values are like the fabric of the boat in which we, the Shiatsu Society members, are sailing.

Our Purpose is our compass, and the Mission is where we are headed. As members we are all the crew, and the Board take turns at the helm to make sure we steer towards our mission goal, whilst making sure that the fabric of the boat is kept intact.


  • We believe that Shiatsu has the power to transform lives.
  • We believe that connection to self and to others through Shiatsu can benefit people personally, within families and communities.
  • We believe that the widespread recognition and use of Shiatsu can make a significant contribution to national health and well-being.
  • As a Society we commit to working professionally, respectfully and with compassion.
  • We see putting our values into action and embodying them with integrity as the basis of being an effective organisation. Transparency and leading by example are essential.
  • We believe that the Shiatsu Society belongs to all of its members and that we are responsible to each other. “We are all the Society”.
  • As a professional membership organisation, we see ourselves as part of the wider Shiatsu and complementary therapy community. We seek to work collaboratively with everyone in those wider communities, in the spirit of friendship and because by working together we are stronger.


Purpose (unchanging)

Our purpose is to promote Shiatsu and to serve our members


Mission (10 years – review annually)

Our mission is to establish Shiatsu as an officially recognised therapy and to have our members acknowledged as essential healthcare workers in the promotion of positive health and well-being.

STRATEGY (more short-term plans, 1-5 years, on how to achieve the Mission and maintain the Purpose, Core Values & Beliefs).

  1. Transition to a modern, sustainable, efficient working-business structure, which is more horizontal and self-organising. The day-to-day running will be carried out by a harmonious, positive, tight-knit administration and management team of employees who are all working collaboratively towards the agreed goals and Mission. Board Directors will set the short and medium term priorities towards achieving the Mission and will maintain the Core Values and ethos of the Society.
  2. Encourage members to self-organise into activity interest areas (e.g. NHS group, research hub, regional support groups) and provide support and funding for projects which align with our Purpose, Mission and Core Values.

Approved at the SSUK AGM 2021.