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Join us for Sustainable Healthcare Day on April 6th. The theme of this year’s Sustainable Healthcare Day is “Managing chronic stress” 

In a recent podcast Dr Rangan Chatterji said that “60-80% of what a medical doctor sees in a given day can be related to stress”, “Stress is the #1 cause of illness that I see today” [Zoe Science and Nutrition YouTube podcast 8th February 2024].  

It is known that chronic stress can cause diverse health conditions, from heart disease, type II diabetes and sleep problems to anxiety and mood disorders. Stress-related illnesses have been estimated to cost the NHS over £11 billion, representing 6.2% of total health expenditure. This is a huge drain on public resources [CIGNA REPORT, 2020]. 

Shiatsu practitioners have the tools to offer clients proven stress management practices such as breathing techniques, movement exercises, and touch. Using these techniques can empower everyone to take responsibility for their own health & wellbeing, change their lifestyle habits, and engage in positive activity to manage their stress symptoms.

Here we run through a few pointers to help you to identity stress and learn how to manage it for the better:  

1.       Recognise your triggers - know what is likely to cause you stress. 

2.       Understand your symptoms - know how those triggers affect you, e.g. headaches, sleep problems, digestive problems, feeling tearful or constantly tired, etc. So many people do not realise that they are stressed - they think that whatever they are experiencing is normal! 

3.       Take action - have a stress relieving tool kit to use when needed. 

Breath work, or a Shiatsu self-treatment using key acupressure points, are ways you can help yourself in the moment. Simple qigong movements can bring your mind into your body at this time. Booking a Shiatsu treatment with a professional practitioner will help balance your stress and they will give tailored stress busting recommendations. 

Once you have pinpointed how stress affects your entire life and health, you are much better equipped to take action yourself and to prevent stress symptoms from building up.

Next Steps

Download our Touch for Life Resource on Stress to help you feel more in control