Shiatsu can make the world a better place!
Here are three projects that our Professional Practitioners are involved in.
Whether you are receiving one-to-one Shiatsu or are participating in a community project, we are celebrating the breadth and depth of what Shiatsu can do for us all.
Shiatsu For Change is a community interest company which has had National lottery funding for the last 2 years to run a project supporting women who have long term health problems and wouldn't normally be able to access Complementary therapies. We offer women a series of funded Shiatsu treatments followed by a series of funded Qigong classes which focus on women's health. In these times of pandemic we have found that the work is deeply appreciated and needed and are hoping to be able to continue the project this next year with our volunteers and fingers crossed, a government funded Kickstart trainee.
Shiatsu Resources Worldwide
Your Story Deserves to be Heard! This is the main message behind Shiatsu Recourses Worldwide. The platform is powered by the European Shiatsu Federation. This project aims to collect successful Shiatsu stories from around the world and place them in an accessible format. We learn the how as well as the why. We learn what these projects cost in terms of energy and even money and what they achieve in terms of benefits for the people receiving treatment and for the practitioners themselves in different ways. This in turn will give fuel for many new ideas and initiatives to take shape.
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Calderdale Cares 4 Us
Due to Covid, the project has been paying for public and voluntary sector workers to access a range of mental wellbeing activities, including Shiatsu, for free. Although this hugely popular project is unique to Calderdale, there may be similar Covid-related projects in your area that you can get involved in.