I had always assumed my life would involve traditional sciences, however, after embarking on a Diploma in Holistic Therapy out of interest, rather than career choice, and having been introduced to the beginnings of Shiatsu, I decided I simply could not live without this wonderful way of being in my life. I began my studies in Shiatsu in 2004 and continue to feel as passionate and interested in Shiatsu today as I did in my first class.
Providing shiatsu treatments has shown me what great benefit there is in bringing connection and empowerment to my clients. In a session, I work with clients own goals for their physical body or mental well being as well as personally aim for clients to reconnect to their body and mind, giving them the tools to do this in their lives and not just during treatment.
Since completing my Diploma in Shiatsu at the Glasgow School of Shiatsu, I have acted as an assistant to all three levels of the course and in 2015, after a further year of study, I was granted my teaching status. I feel privileged to be asked to share my knowledge with the students of the Glasgow School of Shiatsu.
I am honoured to name Elaine Liechti, Vicky Smyth and Liz Arundel from the Glasgow School of Shiatsu among my teachers and I am also grateful for the input of Clifford Andrews and Akinobu Kishi to my work.
As well as teaching Shiatsu, I currently lecture in anatomy and physiology for the Complementary Therapies department at Glasgow Clyde College, where I regularly teach massage and aromatherapy introductory classes.
I have a keen interest in my own self development and find enjoyment in practising yoga, meditation and shodo.