How To Build A Thriving Business As A Shiatsu Practitioner?
Soulful business and marketing strategies are about real connections and genuine intentions. They provide an opportunity to start a conversation, share a story, listen to a need and fulfill it, from one heart to another.
There’s never been a better time to spread the message, values and ethos of Shiatsu across all communities. The world needs it! Chances are you love Shiatsu as much as we do. You probably trust that it has the power to cultivate holistic well-being and create a better world. Your passion and dedication for the practice are the foundations to building a thriving business as a Shiatsu practitioner. However, being incredibly passionate may not be enough on its own. You also need to master your craft, put yourself out there, and dare we say, sell your services.
We know it may feel challenging. You may believe that if your services are good enough, your client list will grow organically. While that may be possible to some extent, developing a business rarely happens by chance. Shiatsu can provide an incredibly rewarding career path, but it also takes a lot of hard work, dedication, consistency, continuous personal development, time, energy, financial resources, and the list can go on. All these investments that you are making deserve appropriate compensation.
In this article we want to inspire you to believe in yourself and the power of Shiatsu while gaining the confidence to build a thriving business without having to sacrifice your well-being.
1. Start with your mindset
Good people do good with money. Developing an abundance mindset can help you see that there is enough health, wealth and resources for everyone, and life brings new opportunities at every corner. If you believe that the market is saturated or that you can’t thrive by doing something you love so much, chances are that you’ll see evidence of this all around you. Overcoming scarcity mindset can be challenging, but it is incredibly rewarding!
Start by identifying the limited core beliefs about yourself and the world. What thoughts do they come with? Write them down and gradually open yourself up to new possibilities. You don’t have to fully believe these new versions just yet. Play around and see what happens.
2. Embrace multiple roles
Building a thriving Shiatsu business is not just about the wonderful one-to-one time you get to spend with your clients. Throughout your career you’ll get the opportunity to wear many hats and although some may be more challenging than others, you get the chance to explore different areas of your business. There will be times when you must use your customer service skills to welcome and interact with your clients; times when you step into the role of the inspiring guide and times when you’ll sit at your desk to complete your accounting duties. You’ll also get the opportunity to become your very own marketing manager, and if this sounds scary, keep reading to shift your perspective.
3. Develop your expertise
If you are a qualified practitioner, you’re probably equipped with the ability to work with clients from different walks of life. Whether you own a private practice, a clinic, work in collaboration with other organisations or decide to build your individual model of services, developing expertise will help you stand out from the crowd. Reflect on your strengths and abilities. Notice what your gifts are and the things you naturally excel at. Explore what makes you unique and sets you apart from others in your field. Maybe you naturally attract a specific type of clientele or really enjoy serving a group of people. Nurture those abilities and interests by taking continuous professional development courses and showcase your skills in those areas.
4. Define your niche (audience)
Who do you want to work with? “Niche” is marketing jargon for a specific target audience. Shiatsu is indeed for everyone, and you may be able to work with clients with various backgrounds and needs but narrowing it down to what really fits with your skills and expertise can help you connect with people who align with the heart of your business. Understanding who you are here to serve, and their needs, wants or desires, can help you provide services that truly fulfill people and contribute to their wellbeing. Choosing a niche doesn’t mean that you will not be able to serve anyone else, but it does help you differentiate yourself. There will be people out there looking for the exact thing you offer, making it easy for them to find you.
5. Don’t “charge your worth”
You may be wondering why we say this since many marketers out there are saying to “charge your worth”. While we believe that you should be appropriately compensated for the value of your services, your worth is intrinsic and doesn’t have anything to do with your hourly rate. Charge according to the value of your services. Deciding on the right price for your services, you need to take into consideration various factors. Your level of experience, average price in your region, type or duration of session, costs involved, and everything else that requires spending other resources (time, energy) from your side. Shiatsu sessions within the UK cost an average of £45.00, but you have the power to decide your own prices to make your business financially viable.
6. Collaboration over competition.
Going back to our first point, having an abundant mindset means that you embrace the multitude of resources available at every corner. Learn how to nurture every opportunity and trust that there is enough space for everyone. Having a supportive network that you can turn to whenever needed will help you navigate this journey with more ease and less resistance. Collaborating with other practitioners will not only make your journey less lonely but can open a wide range of opportunities for each party. They may specialise in different areas, which can make it easier to exchange contacts and share resources.
7. Build a business and marketing strategy
We left this step till the end because we know it may be one of the most challenging steps for many holistic business owners out there. If you are reading this article, we know that you are probably driven by passion and service. After all, we share the ethos and values of Shiatsu. However, if you don’t make your business financially viable many people will miss out on the wonderful gifts you came here to share with the world. Let’s find a way to befriend the business and marketing aspect of your Shiatsu journey!
If you are getting paid to give Shiatsu you already have a business. Congratulations! Please don’t shy away from the title of (holistic) business owner, “soulpreneur,” spiritual entrepreneur or anything else you might find suitable. If you’re not there just yet, we hope to convince you to start embracing appropriate reward for your valuable services.
A business strategy is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to achieve your goals. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have to be complicated at all. It can be as simple as two pages. The marketing plan is part of the business strategy, and it shows how you will promote your services to achieve those goals. Here’s a playful framework to follow:
- What do I do? (Services)
- Who do I do it for? (Audience)
- Why do I do it? (Mission)
- Where am I going? (Goals)
- What do I need to get there? (Resources, clients)
- Where do I find what I need? (Online or specific locations)
- How can I start a conversation? (Marketing)
Business and marketing can be about real connections and genuine intentions. They bring opportunities to start a conversation, share a story, listen to a need and fulfill it, with your service, from one heart to another.
We believe that it is possible to build a thriving business doing what you love. There has never been a better time to share the ethos and values of Shiatsu with the world. If you love Shiatsu as much as we do, it’s time to start embracing new possibilities.